A New Journey

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I am 50+ and this is my testimony....

I am 50+.. I came to the U.S. when I was 24. It was June 1979. It's been almost 30 years ago. Although I am not there yet, I am content with where I am--I am not lacking in any thing, in fact, I am overflowing with blessings. I am married for almost 30 years to Val, the same man I dated and loved in college. He started out as a U.S. Navy seaman recruit in the Philippines, now a Captain in the U. S. Navy Medical Service Corps. My daughter, Hannah, 25 yrs old, single, graduated from Georgetown University School of Nursing, now a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps. My son, Joshua, 21 yrs old, also single, will soon graduate this April from University of Pittsburgh, College of Business Administration and will also be in the U.S. Navy as a Naval Flight Officer. I am the only one in my family who is not in the military---but, “Navy wife and mom, the toughest jobs in the military!!” I work @ Kaiser Permanente as an on-call Clinical RN. My nursing career started out as a nursing assistant in a California convalescent home when my husband was stationed in Long Beach in 1979. Within 6 months, we moved 3X. My career was put on hold because of the needs of my family, raising my 2 children, and supporting my military husband. It was also dependent on where and when my husband was stationed and how long was our stay in one place. It was and still is my pleasure to serve and support my family... From 1979 to 1983, we were like gypsies. We packed and unpacked our household goods—to Long Beach; San Diego; Guam; Denver, Colorado; Portsmouth, Virginia; Denver, Colorado again; Germantown, Maryland; Bethesda, Maryland---here, there, and everywhere--- then finally in 1983, we settled in one place for 6 years and started to put everything together. What a struggle and what a long wait!! I began my career with Kaiser Permanente as a nursing assistant. By God's grace, in 1985, I passed the RN board exam, began working as a Urology Clinical Nurse. While I was working as a nurse then, I was also studying for my Master’s degree, as well as busy taking care of the family. Again, because of God’s goodness and mercy, I finished my master’s degree before we packed up again for a new duty station in 1989. This time, our tour of duty was for 3 yrs in the Philippines. While in the Philippines, I took a Spouse /Child Abuse counselor position, that required a nursing background, in the Social Work Dept of the U.S. Naval Hosp Cubi Point, and later became a School Nurse in one of the Dept of Defense Dependents Schools inside Subic Naval Base. We were there when Mt. Pinatubo erupted. We were forced to evacuate back to the U.S… From 1989 to 1998, we moved 4X again--Philippines; Ft. Meade, Maryland; Seoul, Korea; Monrovia, Maryland and now, Ijamsville, Maryland...We have been in this area since 1998. Thank God!! I went back to work @ Kaiser Permanente and had to start all over again....I took an on-call position for awhile, then got a permanent position as Obgyn Clinical Nurse, became the Lead/Charge Nurse after a year, then took a promotion to become the Peds/Obgyn Clinical Coordinator….Desiring to simplify and de-stressed/uncomplicate my life, I resigned 3 years ago as Clinical Coordinator and went back to work as an on-call Clinical Nurse. I love it!! God is good that I am able to do this. HE gave me a loving, hardworking and a very considerate husband who has a good and stable military job. What more can I ask? Need I ask for more? Just one more, Lord, that we, as a family and as individuals, will finish well and will fulfill each of our destiny in You.....This is my hope and my prayer.

So, yes, I am 50+, and I am not a finish product yet (no one will ever be a finish product anyway until we come face to face with our MAKER and then we will be changed!). I am a clay, still being molded. God is not finish with me yet. But I know I am maturing, continuously growing and together w/ my husband, Val, we are reaching out to other Filipino families in our area who also express the desire, the hunger, the thirst to know God more and to make Him known.. I am very open to knowing more about God but more so to knowing God more intimately in my life, in my being..I want to know more about life, about people, about anything, about everything!!.. I am a life long learner....This I am confident though: That HE, who has begun a good work in me, in all of us, will bring into completion what HE has started until the day of His return..

For the past 52 and the coming years in my life, all praises, honor and glory be to Jesus-- my God, my Savior and my Lord-- alone....


Manongdo said...

hello, what an accomplishment!..God has truly blessed you and your family.:)

Anonymous said...

Hello Ruth, you never stop or stagnate instead continue gathering experiences and learning and that is quite a treasure. I always believe that life, living and you, us; we are all a work in progress. The moment we stop is the moment we begin to rot. And you don't, keep on being active, vibrant and happy. Take care.

Mildred said...

All of us can sleep peacefully now. We can rest assure that U.S.A. is a safe place to live in. The CASTILLO FAMILY will make sure of that!!! Remember, the FAMILY is in the MILITARY!!!

Veron Orpilla Benitez said...

Para kayong pinagbiyak na arinola ng anak mong babae. Beautiful family. Hindi parin nagbabago ang mukha ni Val. And even you...you never change either...

Melle said...

Wow, ang galing galing naman Ruth. Totoo nga pero bakit naman arinola Veron, puede naman caserola. LOL Your children look more like you. Nandoon pala kayo sa Pilipinas when Mt Pinatubo erupted. We had the worst ashfall kasi parang nagsnow sa buong Metro Manila and it was so gloomy. We had to wear mask for sometime. Also, yun lang pala ang makakapagpaalis sa American Naval Base sa Philippines. Nagalit lang si Mother Earth, iniwan na agad ng americans ang base. Thanks for sharing your story Ruth.

Ruth C. said...

Thanks, for all your comments.. Arinola or kaserola, pare-pareho na din:):):..They have my smile, they have Val's chin (not as deep as his cleft chin though)..
Mildred, maybe we can introduce my son to your daughters, ha? Baka magkaroon ng "spark", eh di mag-balae tayo..Ha, ha, ha, ha..
Yes, Mildred, you can surely sleep peacefully knowing that my family is part of why we have peace and safety in the U.S. and all over the world..I remember being in Korea and had spoken to some soldiers guarding the DMZ (demilitarized zone). They are there for 18 months, without their families, in a danger zone,and only have once a month R and R (rest and recreation). They guard that zone 24/7. Just imagine, being in a danger zone, no family support, do not get that much rest, sleep and recreation---to give others,us, peace, safety and freedom--I salute our troops!! WE, the soldiers and their families, pay a great price for that peace and freedom..They do not complain, and they take their duties seriously..They will sacrifice their lives so that others will be free, safe and can live in peace..My daughter sees the sacrifices of these soldiers daily as she takes care of them @ Bethesda Naval Hospital..They will forever carry the physical and mental war wounds in their lives..I am very passionate about this. I am sorry. This is partly what I have become after being married to a military man for almost 30 yrs and counting..esp now my daughter and son are in this, too.:):):)..
Yes, Melle, we were stationed in the Philippines when Mt. Pinatubo erupted. It is one of our military experiences..I can write a book about these experiences and make millions!!ha, ha, ha..Then we can have an exclusive Class 78 reunions every year!!!Maybe someday, from a wife's and mom's perspective..

Veron Orpilla Benitez said...

Ay! Sorry po...Bayabas na lang..eh ano ba ang tamang kasabihan?
Truly Ruth talagang magkamukha kayo. Carbon copy kayo...

Geegee McFarlain said...

Ruth, I just now read your blog because I wanted to really spend time to read all that you had to say. I didn't want to read it haphazardly. You've led one very fascinating life that the rest of us can only imagine. I am so proud of how adaptable you were to whatever situation was thrown at you. Love your military-speak too. I admire how you do everything for the glory of God. Bow na bow ako sa iyo. Keep carrying on with your endless quest for growth. Keep on truckin', as we say in Texas. (that's my Texas-speak) They're right --- your kids are a spitting image of you. They're beautiful!

oddie said...

Ruth...yes, your children are mirror image of you physically, maybe they both got Val's toes and fingers??? Am proud of Mrs. Military Wife/Mom of the Century!!!

Ruth C. said...

In fact, Hannah said she has Val's legs::):) Mas maganda pa nga ang legs ni Val kaysa sa akin, eh..Mabuti na lang..Ha,ha,ha,ha..