A New Journey

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Friday, March 14, 2008

I am 50+....#1

I am 50+ and I am not there yet..I do not have it all together...I am still under construction..I am not what and where I should be. I am not what I should become yet. BUT--- I will keep on going and will keep moving on till I come to that place where God wants me to be and become in Him..I know God has a purpose and plan for my life. I have a destiny I know I shall fulfill. God created and made me for a purpose and this still has yet to be progressively revealed each day as I walk closely with Him---"And HE walks with me and HE talks with me and HE tells me I am His own; and the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known......" This is not a religion but a relationship---a relationship with a personal God--not a God who is just looking down from heaven and see where we are and what we are doing-- but a God who longs to fellowship and interacts with us in our daily lives here on earth. He will do this only if we would let Him--the choice and the decision is up to us...And I made that choice and the decision to follow Him all the days of my life, to somehow experience Him, His presence, heaven while I am here on earth--"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"....


Mildred said...

God is good and He has blessed you abundantly. May you continue to seek His will as you walk with Him day by day. Good job Ruth!

Ruth C. said...

Thanks, Mildred..I am editing the rest of it..Will post the paragraphs one at a time para hindi masyadong mahaba..
Hello to your family...

Anonymous said...

You are a good writer! All Daughters of Nightingales, class 1978, are writers, excellent writers! You let it out and write from your soul. It is felt. Writing speaks and yours speaks of honesty and finding it. We all are Children of God, no one is above and no one is below. Whatever God's purpose's in your (our) lives will reveal itself and heal all of us in time, in His perfect time, not ours. Can you believe that from someone who has sought the meaning and purpose of (my) life since age 24?
Nice, hearing you Ruth.

Ruth C. said...

Thanks, Julie! Hearing a good comment from a person who took writing classes is very encouraging..I appreciate your comments..Looking forward to seeing you!!

Anonymous said...

Ruth,pinapalaki mo naman ang puso ko eh malaki na! Maraming salamat pero katulad ng aking nasabi madali lang mag-sulat. Just let it out! Ang ganda ng writes mo, you let it out. Siguro puede nating gawing parang booklet itong blog site natin, ano sa tinging ninyo at creators ng site? Kaya kasi ganoon Ruth ay dahil ibang landasin ang aking tinungo kaysa mga landas na inyong nilakad. Ika nga eh, nalubak! Fun, witty at ikaw!
Malaking kagaanan sa puso ko ang entries mo.

Veron Orpilla Benitez said...

Hi Ruth,

Thanks for sharing your personal life and one of this day I will sit down and contemplate on it. I also would like to share my feelings about what you are experiencing. I also went through it. I would like to support you in anyways. TAke care...


Veron Orpilla Benitez said...

Dear Ruth,

All know that one aspect of adult development is SPIRITUALITY. Yours is very strong even when we were in college. I want to support you. You are doing remarkably well in seeking your relationship with HIM. Have faith…enjoy the time of your journey. Smile.

Ruth C. said...

Hi Veron!
Sure, you are right about spirituality....We need to grow in this area of our lives. We are made of body, soul and spirit--we have to nurture each for it to grow. What we feed is that which will grow!
One can have a very good body but lean soul and spirit..We have to nurture our spirit with the "spiritual food"--prayer, reading the Bible and other spiritual materials, fellowship with people w/ the same hearts for God, anything that will help us get closer to God and know Him more..Like, if you want to know someone better, you have to spend time w/ him or her; it is the same way with our relationship w/ God..If we want to know Him more, we need to spend time w/ Him...
Your comments and support, Veron, are very much appreciated..Thanks!