A New Journey

Welcome to our weblog or blog for short. It's a great place to visit and chat with former nursing school classmates.

Come share memories of the past. Come share the happenings of the present.

Here's to rekindling old friendships and forging new ones!

What are you waiting for? Ready... Set... Post!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hello, Julie!

I took the liberty of posting your e-mail message for the premier edition of the "First Person" article of our blog. Anyone who reads your story cannot help but be touched. And even without seeing the old photos, in my mind's eye, I could see your face clearly as I was reading your e-mail.

Your e-mail also made me think about how we all have had to take different routes here and there (from how we first envisioned, fresh from nursing school) depending on how our lives unravelled.

I always thought our training as nurses prepared us well for bumps along the winding road. Yours has been more like a rocky ride along the zigzag roads to Baguio in a thunderstorm at night!

And yet, from reading your story and from your e-mails, I sense the strength of your spirit and more importantly, your peace. With all that you have been through, your sense of humor is truly priceless.

No where else than in our nursing practice do we get a daily reminder of life's brevity. And unfortunately for some of us who have had a brush with serious illnesses, it is reality.

I take my hat (nursing cap, perhaps) to you, Rachel and T-tat and the rest who have had to take this difficult journey that the rest of us can only begin to imagine.

My dear Julie, I am glad you're in the blog. Keep blogging!!!

P.S. Yes, you can keep calling me Patti. :)

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